Universität Bonn: Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group  Comouter Science Institute VI: Autonomous Intelligent Systems


December 2024

Prof. Dr. Sven Behnke was elevated to Fellow by the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS). He will contribute to shaping the future of machine learning in Europe in the ELLIS Program “Robot Learning: Closing the Reality Gap!”

ELLIS Logo   ELLIS Fellow Prof. Dr. Sven Behnke

July 2024

The domestic service robots of our team NimbRo won the RoboCup@Home Open Platform League (OPL) competition at RoboCup 2024 in Eindhoven, NL. [Press release]
The humanoid soccer robots of our team NimbRo won the Best Humanoid Award of the Humanoid League at RoboCup 2024 in Eindhoven, NL.

RoboCup 2024 logo  NimbRo@Home robot at RoboCup 2024 Final NimbRo@Home Team @ RoboCup 2024  RoboCUp 2024 Humanoid AdultSize Final: NimbRo vs. RoMeLa (USA) RoboCup Humanoid AdultSize team NimbRo

Hafez Farazi successfully defended his PhD thesis: "Efficient Visual Perception for Soccer Robots, Motion Segmentation, and Video Prediction".

Hafez Farazi with PhD Hat Hafez Farazi PhD Committee

Simon Bultmann successfully defended his PhD thesis: "Semantic Feedback for Collaborative Perception with Smart Edge Sensors".

Simon Bultmann with PhD hat Simon Bultmann PhD Committee

The BMBF-funded project "Robotics Institute Germany (RIG)" starts. RIG connects leading robotics labs across Germany to enhance their international visibility, attract talent, and accelerate progress in AI-powered robotics. RIG project partners are: TU Munich (Coordinator), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of Bonn, TU Berlin, TU Darmstadt, University of Bremen, University of Stuttgart, RWTH Aachen University, TU Dresden, TU Nuremberg, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Fraunhofer Institutes IPA, IOSB, and IML, and German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). Prof. Dr. Sven Behnke coordinates the University Bonn subproject. The other principal investigators in Bonn are: Prof. Dr. Cyrill Stachniss, Prof. Dr. Maren Bennewitz, Prof. Dr. Chris McCool, and Prof. Dr. Heiner Kuhlmann. [Press release]

RIG-Logo     RIG Group Image @ KIRO2024      Gefördert vom BMBF

April 2024

Our team NimbRo won the @Home league competition of the service robots at RoboCup German Open in Kassel. [Press release]

RoboCup German Open Logo  NimbRo@Home Robot Grasping a drink in the Restaurant Test Drink hand-over in Restaurant Test NimbRo@Home Team

March 2024

The BMBF-funded project "UMDenken: Supportive monitoring of turntable ladder operations for firefighting using IR images" starts. Our group works on the sub-project "Autonomous flying robot for firefighting support".

UMDenken LogoUMDenken Scenario  Gefördert vom BMBF

October 2023

The project "Development of shared autonomy control framework and AI-based application technology for enhancing tasks of hyper realistic telepresence robots in unstructured environment" started in collaboration with Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, and Korea Telecom (KT), funded by Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology (KEIT). University of Bonn will work on the sub-project "Immersive Televisualization".

KAIST KITECH KAERI KT University of Bonn        KAIST Project Kickoff

August 2023

The paper Malte Mosbach and Sven Behnke: "Learning Generalizable Tool Use with Non-rigid Grasp-pose Registration" received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) in Auckland, New Zealand.

Malte Mosbach with Best Paper Award CASE 2023 Best Paper Award

July 2023

The soccer robots of our team NimbRo defended their title in the Humanoid League AdultSize class at RoboCup 2023 in Bordeaux, France. [Press release]

RoboCup 2023 Logo  RoboCup 2023 AdultSize Final: NimbRo vs. HERoEHS RoboCup 2023 Humanoid AdultSize Team NimbRo

June 2023

Ani Karapetyan received the BIG Master Thesis Award of the Bonner Informatik-Gesellschaft e.V. for her thesis "Video Prediction at Multiple Levels with Hierarchical Recurrent Networks". It was published at the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC): [Project Page]

Ani Karapetyan BIG Master Thesis Award Ani Karapetyan BIG Master Thesis Award Certificate

December 2022

The paper Mojtaba Hosseini, Diego Rodriguez, and Sven Behnke: "State Estimation for Hybrid Locomotion of Driving-Stepping Quadrupeds" received the Best Paper Award at the 6th IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC) in Naples, Italy.

Mojtaba Hosseini with Best Paper Award and Robot IRC Best Paper Award

Marcin Namysł successfully defended his PhD thesis "Robust Information Extraction From Unstructured Documents".

Marcin Namysl PhD Committee of  Marcin Namysl

November 2022

Jörg Wagner successfully defended his PhD thesis "Robust and Interpretable Visual Perception using Deep Neural Networks".

Jörg Wagner with PhD hat PhD committee of Jörg Wagner

Our team NimbRo Avatar wins the grand prize of 5 Million US$ at the ANA Avatar XPRIZE Competition. [Press release]

ANA Avatar XPRIZEANA Avatar XPRIZE Award Ceremony Team NimbRo Avatar NimbRo Avatar Robot

The project "WestAI - AI Service Center West" is funded by BMBF. [Press release]

WestAI – Service Center for Artificial Intelligence Gefördert vom BMBF

October 2022

The project "Autonomous flying robot swarms for real-time situational awareness" is funded by BMBF as part of the German Rescue Robotics Center (DRZ). [Press release]

DRZ logoDRZ Flying Robot Gefördert vom BMBF

September 2022

Michael Gref successfully defended his PhD thesis "Robust Speech Recognition via Adaptation for German Oral History Interviews"

Michael Gref with PhD hat PhD Committee of Michael Gref

Our NimbRo Humanoid Soccer robots are demonstrated at the Grand Opening of the Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligenc.

LAMARR logo NimbRo Humanoid Soccer robots and Team

July 2022

The soccer robots of our team NimbRo won all competitions of Humanoid League AdultSize class at RoboCup 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand: 2 vs. 2 soccer tournament, 2 vs. 2 drop-in games, technical challenges, and Best-humanoid Award.

RoboCup 2022 Logo RoboCup 2022 Humanoid AdultSize Final: NimbRo vs. HERoEHS RoboCup 2022 Humanoid AdultSize Award Ceremony 

Andre Rochow received the BIG Bachelor Thesis Award of the Bonner Informatik-Gesellschaft e.V. for his thesis "Novel View Synthesis from Single and Multiple Cameras". It was published at the Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (RSS): [Project Page]

June 2022 

The paper Arash Amini, Arul Selvam Periyasamy, and Sven Behnke: "YOLOPose: Transformer-based Multi-Object 6D Pose Estimation using Keypoint Regression" received the Best Paper Award at the 17th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS) in Zagreb, Croatia.

IAS-17 Best Paper Award   Arul Selvam Periyasamy and Arash Amini

The Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence receives institutional fundign from BMBF and the federal state of NRW.
[Press release]

LAMARR logo           LAMARR funding BMBF NRW

January 2022

Marius Beul successfully defended his PhD thesis "Fast Time-optimal Trajectory Generation for Jerk-controlled Systems"

Marius Beul PhD hat Marius Beul PhD Committee 

December 2021

The new project "BNTrAinee: Bonn Transdisciplinary Education in Artificial Intelligence" is funded by BMBF. [Press release]

Gefördert vom BMBF

October 2021

Our team NimbRo was ranked first in the ANA Avatar XPRIZE Semifinals, which took place in September 2021 in Miami, Florida. [Press Release]

ANA Avatar XPRIZE LogoTeam NimbRo Avatar Judge in Operator Station Judge Telepresent in Avatar Robot Cooperative Puzzle Solving

September 2021

The new German-French Project "Learn2Grasp: Learning Human-like Interactive Grasping based on Visual and Haptic Feedback" is funded by BMBF and ANR. [Press Relase]

Gefördert vom BMBF

August 2021

The new project "Transferzentrum RimA – Roboter im Alltag (Robots in Everyday Life)" is funded by BMBF. Our subproject focusses on benchmarking of assistance robots in everydeay environments. [Press Release]

Gefördert vom BMBF

April 2021

Diego Rodriguez successfully defended his PhD thesis "Learning Grasping and Walking Motion Generation for Humanoid Robots"

Diego Rodriguez with PhD Committee

December 2020

Two new projects "Semantic Video Prediction (P6)" and "Anticipative Human-Robot Collaboration (P8)" are funded as part of the second phase of the DFG research unit FOR 2535 Anticipating Human Behavior.

DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft      FOR 2535 - Anticipating Human Behavior

November 2020

The paper Marius Beul, Simon Bultmann, Andre Rochow, Radu Alexandru Rosu, Daniel Schleich, Malte Splietker, and Sven Behnke: "Visually Guided Balloon Popping with an Autonomous MAV at MBZIRC 2020" received the Best Paper Award at the  IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), Abu Dhabi, UAE.

SSRR 2020 Best Paper Award Marius Beul

Philipp Allgeuer successfully defended his PhD thesis "Analytic Bipedal Walking with Fused Angles and Corrective Actions in the Tilt Phase Space".

PhD defense of Philipp Allgeuer

October 2020

A new project "Collaborative Perception and Prediction with Smart Edge Sensors" is funded by Fraunhofer IAIS.

Franhofer IAIS

August 2020

David Droeschel sucessfully defended his PhD thesis "Efficient Methods for Lidar-based Mapping and Localization".

PhD defense of David Droeschel

June 2020

Our proposal for the Amazon Research Award project "Learning Structured Scene Modeling and Physics-Based Prediction for Manipulation" was funded.
Amazon Research Awards

February 2020

Our team NimbRo came in second in the Grand Challenge and in the wall-building sub-challenge of the Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge (MBZIRC), which took place in Abu Dhabi.

MBZIRC Logo   MBZIRC 2020 Award Ceremony Team NimbRo NimbRo MBZIRC 2020 Robots

January 2020

Tobias Klamt successfully defended his PhD thesis: "Planning Hybrid Driving-Stepping Locomotion for Ground Robots in Challenging Environments"

Tobias Klamt with PhD hat PhD Comitee of Tobias Klamt

December 2019

The Teaching Award of the Bonn Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has been awarded to Dr. Nils Goerke.

Dr. Nils Goerke

October 2019

Matthias Nieuwenhuisen successfully defended his PhD thesis: "Planning and Navigation in Dynamic Environments for Mobile Robots and Micro Aerial Vehicles"

Matthias Nieuwenhuisen Matthias Nieuwenhuisen PhD Committee

July 2019

The soccer robots of our team NimbRo won all competitions of Humanoid League AdultSize class at RoboCup 2019 in Sydney, Australia: 2 vs. 2 soccer tournament, 2 vs. 2 drop-in games, technical challenges, Best-humanoid Award.

RoboCup 2019 Logo NimbRo vs. Tsinghua Hephaestus (China) Team NimbRo Humanoid AdultSize 2019

May 2019

The CENTAURO project was awarded the Ralf-Dahrendorf-Preis by the German Minister of Education and Research (BMBF). BMBF will fund a project to communicate the CENTAURO results to high-school students. [Press release]

Ralf-Dahrendorf-Preis Logo    Centauro-Roboter und Ralf-Dahrendorf-Preis Verleihung des Ralf-Dahrendorf-Preises durch Bundesforschungsministerin Anja Karliczek (c) Bernd Lammel, Bildkraftwerk

March 2019

The Google Faculty Research Award project "Collaborative Perception using Smart Edge Sensors and Cloud-based 4D SLAM" was funded.

Google Faculty Research Awards Logo

January 2019

Our proposal for the Amazon Research Award project "Generalizing Scene Parsing for Cluttered Bin Picking" was funded.
Amazon Research Awards

October 2018

The final integrated CENTAURO system was evaluated for multiple complex locomotion and manipulation tasks in disaster-response scenarios at the Kerntechnische Hilfsdienst GmbH near Karlsruhe.

CENTAURO logo Centauro robot performing bimanual tool use CENTAURO Evaluation Camp Team

A new project to develop autonomous assistance functions for micro aerial vehicles has been granted by BMBF as part of the competence center for rescue robots (DRZ). [More information]

BMBF A-DRZSupporting fire fighters with autonomous micro aerial vehicles

June 2018

The soccer robots of our team NimbRo won all competitions of Humanoid League AdultSize class at RoboCup 2018 in Montreal, Canada: 1 vs. 1 soccer tournament, 2 vs. 2 drop-in games, technical challenges, Best-humanoid Award.

RoboCup 2018 Humanoid League AdultSize Final: NimbRo vs. Sweaty Team NimbRo

February 2018

Our lab moved to the new Computer Science building (Informatikzentrum) on Campus Poppelsdorf.

Our proposal for the Amazon Research Award project "Learning Scene Parsing for Cluttered Bin Picking" was funded.

Amazon Research Awards

November 2017

The first integrated CENTAURO system was evaluated for multiple locomotion and manipulation tasks at the Kerntechnische Hilfsdienst GmbH near Karlsruhe.

CENTAURO Logo  CENTAURO Evaluation Camp Team Centauro robot

September 2017

The kickoff workshop for the cooperative project "Development of the artificial electronic skin that mimics human skin structure and functions for tactile and kinesthetic feedback in robotic surgery or prosthetic arms" with Korean partners, which is coordinated by the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), took place in Bonn.

The paper Hafez Farazi and Sven Behnke: "Online Visual Robot Tracking and Identification using Deep LSTM Networks"  received the IROS 2017 RoboCup Best Paper Award at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems in Vancouver, Canada.
The paper Tobias Klamt and Sven Behnke: "Anytime Hybrid Driving-Stepping Locomotion Planning" was Finalist for the Best Paper Award on Safety Security and Rescue Robotics.

Hafez Farazi: IROS 2017 RoboCup Best Paper Award Tobias Klamt: Finalist for IROS 2017 Best Paper Award on SSRR

July 2017

Our team NimbRo was very successful at RoboCup 2017 in Nagoya, Japan. Our Humanoid TeenSize and AdultSize soccer robots won their tournaments, technical challenges, drop-in challenge and the RoboCup Design Award. In the Amazon Robotics Challenge, our team NimbRo Picking won the 2nd price in the Pick task and came in second in the Final Stow and Pick task. 
[More information on the soccer robots]   [More information on the bin picking robots]

RoboCup 2017 Logo RoboCup 2017 AdultSize Final: NimbRo vs. Sweaty RoboCup 2017 TeenSize Final: NimbRo vs. HuroEvolutionTN RoboCup 2017: Soccer Team NimbRo Amazon Robotics Challente 2017: NimbRo Picking System Amazon Robotics Challente 2017: Team NimbRo Picking

May 2017

Dirk Holz successfully defended his PhD thesis: "Efficient 3D Segmentation, Registration and Mapping for Mobile Robots".

Dirk Holz PhD Committee of Dirk Holz

March 2017

Our team NimbRo won the Grand Challenge and Challenge 2 in the Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge (MBZIRC), which was organized by Khalifa University and took place in Abu Dhabi.

MBZIRC Logo MBZIRC Grand Challenge Winner Team NimbRo[More information]

December 2016

The Research Unit FOR 2535 "Anticipating Human Behaviour" will be funded by German Research Foundation (DFG). Six groups of the Bonn Computer Science Institute will together develop methods for modelling and prediction of human behavior and for using the predictions for anticipative human-robot collaboration. In the Autonomous Intelligent Systems group, “Learning Hierarchical Representations for Anticipative Human-Robot Collaboration” will be investigated.

September 2016

Hannes Schulz successfully defended his PhD thesis: "Learning Object Recognition and Object Class Segmentation with Deep Neural Networks on GPU"

Hannes Schulz PhD committee of Hannes Schulz

July 2016

The paper Nicola Krombach, David Droeschel, and Sven Behnke: "Combining Feature-based and Direct Methods for Semi-dense Real-time Stereo Visual Odometry" received the Best Paper Award at the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS) in Shanghai, China. 

Nicola Krombach IAS-14 Best Paper Award

Our team NimbRo won at RoboCup 2016 the Humanoid TeenSize soccer competition and the igus Humanoid Open Platform robot received the first Harting International Open-Source Award. In the Amazon Picking Challenge, our team came in 2nd in the Stowing task and 3rd in the Picking task.

RoboCup 2016 igus Robot Team NimbRo TeenSize   Amazon Picking Challenge Amazon Picking Challenge Robot Team NimbRo Picking

February 2016

Marcell Missura successfully defended his PhD thesis "Analytic and Learned Footstep Control for Robust Bipedal Walking"

Marcell Missura PhD Committee Marcell Missura

November 2015

Our team NimbRo Explorer solved through the mobile manipulation robot Momaro all tasks at the DLR SpaceBot Camp.

DLR SpaceBot Camp 2015 Momaro taking a soil sample Momaro driving uphill Momaro inserting battery Team NimbRo Explorer [Video]

October 2015

Katrin Gräve successfully defended her PhD thesis "Lernen komplexer Aufgaben aus Demonstration und eigener Erfahrung".

Kathrin Gräve PhD Commitee Kathrin Gräve

July 2015

The igus® Humanoid Open Platform robot, which we develop together with igus® GmbH, won the first RoboCup Design Award at the RoboCup 2015 Competition in Hefei, China.

RoboCup 2015  RoboCup 2015 Design Award igus robot dribbling Team NimbRo TeenSize 2015

June 2015

Our team NimbRo Rescue was the best ranked European Team at the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) Finals in Pomona, CA, coming in 4th in the overall ranking.

DARPA Robotics Challenge Logo Mobile Manipulation Robot Momaro Operator station Momaro practicing door opening DRC Team NimbRo Rescue with Momaro robot

May 2015

Our teams NimbRo Manufacturing, NimbRo Logistics, and NimbRo Copter have been admitted to Stage II of the European Robotics Challenges (EuRoC). Together with industrial end-users, they will address use cases in the domain "Factories of the Future".

EuRoC Logo

March 2015

Jörg Stückler received the 2015 Georges Giralt PhD Award for his thesis “Efficient Dense Registration, Segmentation, and Modeling Methods for RGB-D Environment Perception” at the European Robotics Forum in Vienna.

Jörg Stückler Georges Giralt PhD Award 2015 Jörg Stückler: Georges Giralt PhD Award 2015

Our team NimbRo Rescue is qualified to participate at the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) Finals.

DARPA Robotics Challenge Logo Mobile Manipulation Robot Momaro Mobile Manipulation Robot Mamaro getting up. Mobile Manipulation Robot Momaro Traversing Barrrier. Mobile Manipulation Robot Momaro Turning Valve Wheel Team NimbRo Rescue with Mobile Manipulation Robot Momaro

December 2014

The Grant Agreement 644839 for the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action "CENTAURO – Robust Mobility and Dexterous Manipulation in Disaster Response by Fullbody Telepresence in a Centaur-like Robot" has been signed. University of Bonn is the coordinator. Partners are: Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Italy), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Linköping University (Sweden), RWTH Aachen University, progenoX GmbH, and Kerntechnische Hilfsdienst GmbH. The project is funded in call ICT-23-2014 Robotics, will start on April 1st, 2015, and has a duration of 42 months. [Press release]

H2020 Logo

Two Master theses from our group have been awarded the BIG Masterarbeitspreis of the Bonner Informatik Gesellschaft e.V.:
Manus McElhone "Model, Match, Vote and Track: 6-DoF Pose Filtering with Multi-resolution Surfel Maps" and
Benedikt Waldvogel "Accelerating Random Forests on CPUs and GPUs for Object-Class Image Segmentation".

Our team NimbRo Explorer is supported by the German Aerospace Center to participate at the DLR SpaceBot Cup 2015.

DLR SpaceBot Cup 2015

Our teams NimbRo Manufacturing, NimbRo Logistics, and NimbRo Copter qualified in all three challenges of the European Robotics Challenges Simulation Contest.

EuRoC Logo

November 2014

The DFG Research Unit FOR 1505 "Mapping on Demand" has been extended for a second fundign period of three more years. Our group will work on the projects P2 "Local Perception for the Autonomous Navigation of Multicopters" and P3 "Autonomous Navigation for Object Capture with Multicopters".

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) will organize the SpaceBot Cup 2015. Our team NimbRo Explorer will receive support to participate.

October 2014

Our NimbRo soccer team was honored by the federal state of North-Rhine-Westphalia as "Germany at its Best". Award certificate.

Germany at its Best Logo

September 2014

Jörg Stückler successfully defended his PhD thesis "Efficient Dense Registration, Segmentation, and Modeling Methods for RGB-D Environment Perception". Winner of 2015 Georges Giralt PhD Award.

Jörg Stückler Promotionskommision Jörg Stückler

German Research Foundation (DFG) granted the extension of the project "Autonomous Learning of Bipedal Walking Stabilization" for three more years.

German Research Foundation (DFG) granted the new project "ALROMA - Autonomous Active Object Learning Through Robot Manipulation" in its priority programme SPP 1527 "Autonomous Learning".

August 2014

Andreas C. Müller successfully defended his PhD thesis "Methods for Learning Structured Prediction in Semantic Segmentation of Natural Images".

Andreas C. Müller PhD Committee

July 2014

Our teams NimbRo TeenSize and NimbRo@Home participated in the RoboCup 2014 competition in Joao Pessoa, Brasil.
The soccer robots came in second th the tournament and won the technical challenge. The domestic serrvice robots reached the third place in the @Home league. The paper by Marcell Missura and Sven Behnke "Balanced Walking with Capture Steps" won the Best Science Paper Award at the 18th International RoboCup Symposium.

 Team NimbRo @ RoboCup 2014 Marcell Missura: RoboCup 2014 Best Paper Award

April 2014

A 3D printed humanoid robot that we are developing in a DFG transfer project together with igus GmbH is presented at Hannover Messe. Press release.

Hannover Messe igus GmbHigus Humanoid Open Platform More information...

Our team NimbRo won the @Home league competition of the service robots at RoboCup German Open in Magdeburg. Press release.

RoboCup German Open Logo  Cosero opens a bottle Cosero transports a tray Team NimbRo@Home at RoboCup German Open 2014 More information...

January 2014

A new project has started: InventAIRy - Identification with Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles. It is funded in the national BMWi program Autonomics for Industry 4.0. Our group will develop perception and planning methods for autonomous navigation in indoor and outdoor warehouses. Partners are Fraunhofer IML (coordinator), Aibotix GmbH, Panopa Logistik GmbH, and Wiedmann GmbH.

InventAIRy logo

November 2013

Our Explorer robot demonstrates mobile manipulation in rough terrain at the DLR SpaceBot Cup. More info...

DLR SpaceBot Cup Explorer robot grasping an object Team NimbRo

October 2013

A new EU FP7 research project starts in our group: STAMINA - Sustainable and reliable robotics for part handling in manufacturing automation.
Partners are: Aalborg University (Coordinator), Denmark, Peugot Citroen Automobiles S.A., France, BA Systemes SAS, France, University of  Freiburg, Germany, INESC Porto, Portugal, and University of Edinburgh, UK.

July 2013

The Humanoid Soccer School 2013 took place in Bonn, organized by Jacky Baltes and Sven Behnke.

Humanoid Soccer School

June 2013 

Our team NimbRo won both the Humanoid TeenSize Soccer competition and the @Home League competition of the service robots at RoboCup 2013 in Eindhoven.
In the Humanoid TeenSize class, our soccer robots won in the final 4:0 vs. CIT-Brains from Japan. More info...
In the @Home League, our cognitive service robot Cosero showed its skills in navigation, object manipulation, tool use, and human-robot interaction. More info...

Team NimbRo at RoboCup 2013 in Eindhoven

April 2013

Our team NimbRo@Home won the competition for service robots at RoboCup German Open 2013.
Our Humanoid TeenSize Open Platform  NimbRo-OP received the HARTING Open-Source Award.
More on @Home; more on NimbRo-OP.

March 2013

Kickoff meeting for the DLR SpaceBot Cup in Berlin. In total ten teams are qualified. More information about our entry NimbRo Centauro.

January 2013

Our group receives support from DLR to participate at the DLR SpaceBot Cup. The tasks in this challenge are autonomous exploration and mobile manipulation in rough terrain. 

November 2012

In Düsseldorf, the NRW Young Scientist Award 2012 in the category Applied Informatics has been conferred by the B-IT Research School to Nenad Biresev for his publication with Jörg Stückler and Sven Behnke: "Semantic Mapping Using Object-Class Segmentation of RGB-D Images", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Systems (IROS). 

 Nenad Biresev NRW Young Scientist Award 2012 Certificate

October 2012

Our new NimbRo-OP Humanoid TeenSize Open Platform robot is shown at the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) in Vilamoura, Portugal. 

NimbRo-OP robot NimbRo-OP robot NimbRo-OP robot NimbRo-OP robot [Video] More info.

July 2012

Three diploma theses that were supervised in our group received an Diploma thesis award from Bonner Informatik Gesellschaft (BIG e.V.):
- Andreas Schmitz: "Hierarchische Schrittplanung für humanoide Fußballroboter (Hierarchical step planning for humanoid soccer robots)", 
- Torsten Fiolka: "Entropiebasierte interessante Regionen in 3D Punktwolken (Entropy-based interest regions in 3D point clouds)", and 
- Bastian Oehler: "Extraktion geometrischer Formprimitive mit Textur- und Reliefkarten aus 3D Punktwolken mit Farbinformation (Extraction of geometric primitives with texture and bump maps from 3D point coulds with color information)". 

June 2012

Our team NimbRo won both the Humanoid TeenSize competition and technical challenge as well as the @Home League competition at RoboCup 2012, which took place in Mexico City. In addition, our soccer robots received the Louis Vuitton Best Humanoid Award.
The paper J. J. Alcaraz-Jiménez, M. Missura, H. Martínez-Barberá, and S. Behnke: Lateral Disturbance Rejection for the Nao Robot received the Best Paper Award of the RoboCup Symposium 2012.

RoboCup 2012 Logo      RoboCup 2012 Humanoid TeenSize Final: NimbRo 6:3 CIT Brains RoboCup 2012 @Home Final: Cosero watering a plant RoboCup 2012 @Home Final: Dynamaid fetching a drink Team Nimbro @Home and TeenSize at RoboCup 2012 in Mexico City RoboCup Symposium Best Paper Certificate[Soccer Video] [@Home Video]

April 2012

Our cognitive service robots won the RoboCup German Open 2012 @Home league competition in Magdeburg.

RoboCup German Open 2012 Logo    Cosero in the Demo Challenge, picking up laundry from the floor Cosero in the final, pushing a chair Cosero in the final, watering a plant Dynamaid in the final, distibuting snacks [Video]   More info ...

January 2012

Three new research projects start, which are funded by German Research Foundation (DFG):
The project "Autonomous Learning of Bipedal Walking Stabilization" is part of the Priority Programme SPP 1527 "Autonomes Lernen".
The projects "Lokale Wahrnehmung für die Navigation leichter Fluggeräte" (local perception for the navigation of lightweight drones) and "3D-Navigation und Hindernisvermeidung für leichte Fluggeräte" (3D navigation and obstacle avaoidance for lightweight drones) are part of the  Research Unit FOR 1505 "Mapping on Demand".

November 2011

  eu Robotics Week Our group participates in the European Robotics Week – 28 November – 4 December 2011.
Our event: Prof. Oussama Khatib will give a talk on human-friendly robotics.

July 2011

Our Team NimbRo won both the Humanoid TeenSize competition and technical challenge and the competition in the @Home League at RoboCup 2011, which took place in Istanbul. The paper Jörg Stückler and Sven Behnke: "Compliant Task-Space Control with Back-Drivable Servo Actuators" received the Best Paper Award at the RoboCup Symposium 2011. more info ...

 RoboCup 2011: NimbRo vs. KMUTT RoboCup@Home 2011 Final: Cooperative carrying of a table RoboCup@Home 2011: Cosero making omelet RoboCup Symposium 2011 Best Paper Award [@Home Video] [Soccer Video]

April 2011

Our team NimbRo won the @Home League competition at  RoboCup German Open in Magdeburg. In the Standard Platform League (SPL) we reached the second place.

RoboCup German Open 2011 Cosero pouring milk Dynamaid at the fridge Cosero grasping a spoon NimbRo SPL robots more info ...

March 2011

We moved. Our new address is: Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144, 1st floor.

February 2011

A new research project started. The experiment ActReMa - Active Recognition and Manipulation of Simple Parts Exploiting 3D Information - is funded by the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission as part of Call 2 of the European Clearing House for Open Robotics Development (ECHORD). Partners are the Computer Graphics Group of the Institute of Computer Science II in Bonn and Metronom Automation GmbH, Mainz.

June 2010

Our team won the Humanoid TeenSize soccer tournament at the RoboCup 2010 competition in Singapore, was elected "Best Humanoid", and reached the second place in the @Home League. More info ...

RoboCup 2010 logoTeenSize Final: NimbRo vs. CIT Brains @Home Final: Getting beer out of the fridge SPL: Quarter Final NimbRo vs. CMurfs Team NimbRo [@Home Video] [TeenSize Video]

May 2010

Our domestic service robot Dynamaid participated at the ICRA Mobile Manipulation Challenge in Anchorage, Alaska. More info ...

ICRA 2010 User requests an object using a pointing gesture Dynamaid grasps an object Dynamaid grasps an object Handing over the fetched object to the user [Video]

April 2010

Our team participated at the RoboCup German Open competition in Magdeburg in the @Home League and in the Standard Platform League (SPL). In both leagues, our robots reached the second place. Our TeenSize humanoid soccer robots showed their skills in demonstrations. More info... 

RoboCup German Open 2010 SPL Final NimbRo vs. B-Human SPL Final NimbRo vs. B-Human @Home robots Robotinho and Dynamaid Team NimbRo

[Soccer Video] [@Home Video]

January 2010

Our communication robot Robotinho is tested in the Deutsches Museum Bonn. As a tour guide, it explains three of our robots and three permanent exhibits. [Video]

Robotinho as Tour Guide in the Deutsches Museum Bonn Robotinho as Tour Guide in the Deutsches Museum Bonn Robotinho as Tour Guide in the Deutsches Museum Bonn Robotinho as Tour Guide in the Deutsches Museum Bonn Robotinho as Tour Guide in the Deutsches Museum Bonn Robotinho as Tour Guide in the Deutsches Museum Bonn 

July 2009

Our humanoid soccer robot Dynaped (Team NimbRo) won the RoboCup 2009 TeenSize Dribble-and-Kick tournament in Graz, Austria. Dynaped also won the TeenSize Technical Challenges. In the @Home league, our Robots Dynamaid and Robotinho came in third. They also won the innovation award for "Innovative robot body design, empathic behaviors, and robot-robot cooperation". More info...

RoboCup 2009 Logo  RoboCup 2009 TeenSize Final: NimbRo cs. CIT Brains RoboCup 2009 @Home Final: Dynamaid Grasping     @Home video: RoboCup 2009 @Home Video    Soccer video: RoboCup 2009 TeenSize Final: NimbRo cs. CIT Brains  

April 2009

Our humanoid soccer robots (Team NimbRo) won the RoboCup German Open competition.
We also participated in the @Home league, where we came in second.

RoboCup German Open 2009 logo     Soccer video: RoboCup German Open 2009 Humanoid Final: NimbRo vs. Darmstadt Dribblers    @Home video: German Open 2009 NimbRo@Home Final

March 2009

We receive two "Personal Supercomputers" for our Computational Intelligence Lab. 
They are equipped with 4x GTX295 cards each. The 8 GPUs per box have a total of 1.920 compute cores.

Personal Supercomputers with 4x GTX295 each

February 2009

Our humanoid soccer robots will be demonstrated at B-IT during the university open house for high school students and Schüler-Krypto.

January 2009

Our KidSize 2006 humanoid soccer robot Paul will be displayed in the science train (Wissenschaftszug) that will travel though Germany.

December 2008

Our group joins the European Robotics Research Network EURON.

October 2008

Our soccer robots are demonstrated at the institute party in the Faculty Club.

July 2008

Our soccer team NimbRo won the Humanoid League KidSize soccer tournament of RoboCup 2008, which took place in Suzhou, China.
 RoboCup 2008 logo     Video: RoboCup 2008 Final

April 2008

Our soccer team NimbRo won the humanoid league competitions of RoboCup German Open 2008, which took place at Hannover Messe.
RoboCup German Open 2008                     Video: German Open 2008 Final: NimbRo 10:0 FUmanoid 

University of Bonn, Institute for Computer Science, Computer Science VI - Intelligent Systems and Robotics    Imprint    Data Privacy Statement