The development of humanoid robots able to play soccer is a fundamental challenge problem for robotics and AI. Since the start of the humanoid league in 2002, there have been lots of improvements in humanoid soccer robots hardware and software. This is partially due to the introduction of standard platforms (Nao, DARwIn-OP, NimbRo-OP) and competitions for complex simulated robots (3D Simulation).
The objective of the school is to give students deep insights into the currently leading approaches to bipedal locomotion, dynamic motion generation, environment perception, tactics, and team play. Lectures by leading experts will provide the necessary theoretical background for hands-on exercises with humanoid soccer robots.
The program is based on three pillars:
The number of participants is limited. Please register here:
We acknowledge the support of
RoboCup Federation
University of Bonn, Institute for Computer Science, Computer Science VI - Intelligent Systems and Robotics Imprint Data Privacy Statement