Scientific Staff Member of Computer
Science Department VI
Autonomous Intelligent Systems
Dr. Nils Goerke
Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Institut für
Informatik VI
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8 (visitor address)
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5 (post address)
53115 Bonn
+49 (0) 228 73-4167
+49 (0) 228 73-4425
Email: goerke _at_
Office: 0.047
Nils Goerke has studied physics at the Universities of Marburg and
Münster. He received his master's degree in physics from the
Westfäische Wilhelms-Univesität Münster in 1989. His degree
dissertation in the field of applied physics investigated properties
of coupled nonlinear oscillators. From 1989 to 1992 Dr. Goerke worked
as a researcher in the Department of Biocybernetics at the University
of Düsseldorf. In the period from 1992 to 1997 he worked on his PhD
thesis at the Department of Neural Computation at the University of
Bonn, Computer Science Department VI. He obtained his PhD degree (Dr.
rer. nat) with great honours (magna cum laude) from the Rheinische
Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn in 1997. The topic of his thesis
was controlling a manipulator by neural networks. Since 1997 Dr.
Goerke has been a member of the scientific staff (comparable to a
lecturer) at the Department of Computer Science at the University of
Bonn, giving lectures and supervising diploma theses. Furthermore,
since April 2008 he has been a member of a new research group at the
University of Bonn - the Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group.
His research interests include neural computation, artificial life
systems, nonlinear dynamical systems and cognitive architectures for
robot control.
Dr. Goerke is a member of the International Neural Network Society,
the European Neural Network Society, the German Cognitive Society.
Additionally, he has been a principal researcher in several national
research projects conducted by the department (SENROB, DEMON, ELA,
coordinator for the AVP project) and was also responsible for managing
the German node in both phases of the EC project NEuroNet (Network of
Excellence in Neural Networks). Dr. Goerke has also been a member of
the Network of Excellence COIL (Computational Intelligence and
Learning) as well as a coordinator of the FET-IST funded project
SIGNAL (IST-2000-29225 Systemic Intelligence for GrowiNg up Artefacts
that Live) and a member of the steering committee of the FET-IST
network of Excellence
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