20th RoboCup International Symposium 2016: Poster Presentations

Poster Presentations

All posters will hang all day, but must be manned only in the assigned poster session following the teaser presentation.

10:14 Poster Teasers  1
Pedro U. Lima, Daniele Nardi, Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar, Rainer Bischoff and Matteo Matteucci:
RoCKIn and the European Robotics League - Building on RoboCup Best Practices to Promote Robot Competitions in Europe
Heinrich Mellmann, Benjamin Schlotter and Christian Blum:
Simulation Based Selection of Actions for a Humanoid Soccer-Robot
Pablo Cano and Javier Ruiz-Del-Solar:
Robust Tracking of Multiple Soccer Robots using Random Finite Sets
Yongbo Qian and Daniel Lee:
Adaptive Field Detection and Localization in Robot Soccer
Hafez Farazi and Sven Behnke:
Real-Time Visual Tracking and Identification for a Team of Homogeneous Humanoid Robots
Okan Aşık and H. Levent Akin:
Effective Multi-Robot Spatial Task Allocation using Model Approximations
Francesco Riccio, Roberto Capobianco and Daniele Nardi:
Using Monte Carlo Search With Data Aggregation to Improve Robot Soccer Policies
Wouter Kuijpers, António Neves and René van de Molengraft:
Cooperative Sensing for 3D Ball Positioning in the RoboCup Middle Size League
10:25 Poster Session 1  with Coffee Break
Poster Teasers 2
Seyed Hamidreza Mohades Kasaei, Nima Shafii, Luis Seabra Lopes and Ana Maria Tomé:
Object Learning and Grasping Capabilities for Robotic Home Assistants
Santosh Thoduka, Stepan Pazekha, Alexander Moriarty and Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar:
RGB-D-Based Features for Recognition of Textureless Objects
Patrick MacAlpine and Peter Stone:
Prioritized Role Assignment for Marking
David Droeschel and Sven Behnke:
MRSLaserMap: Local Multiresolution Grids for Efficient 3D Laser Mapping and Localization
Muhannad Mujahed, Dirk Fischer and Bärbel Mertsching:
Robust Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Mobile Robots in Unknown Environments
Maike Paetzel, Jacky Baltes and Reinhard Gerndt:
Robots as Individuals in the Humanoid League
Sebastian Brunner, Franz Steinmetz, Rico Belder and Andreas Dömel:
RAFCON: A Graphical Tool for Task Programming and Mission Control
Wei Dai, Qinghua Yu, Junhao Xiao and Zhiqiang Zheng:
Communication-less Cooperation between Soccer Robots
12:40 Lunch and Poster Session 2
15:38 Poster Teasers 3
David L. Leottau, Aashish Vatsyayan, Javier Ruiz-Del-Solar and Robert Babuska:
Decentralized Reinforcement Learning Applied to Mobile Robots
Ramon Izquierdo, Eduardo Morales, Luis Enrique Sucar and Rafael Murrieta:
Searching Objects in Known Environments: Empowering Simple Heuristic Strategies
Dario Albani, Ali Youssef, Vincenzo Suriani, Daniele Nardi and Domenico Daniele Bloisi:
A Deep Learning Approach for Object Recognition with NAO Soccer Robots
Juan Calderon and Gustavo Cardona:
Impact Force Reduction Using Variable Stiffness With Optimal Approach For Falling Robots
Victor Matare, Tim Niemueller and Gerhard Lakemeyer:
Robust Multi-Modal Detection of Industrial Signal Light Towers
Jordan Henrio, Thomas Henn, Tomoharu Nakashima and Hidehisa Akiyama:
Selecting the Best Player Formation for Corner-Kick Situations Based on Bayes' Estimation
Masaru Shimizu, Masayuki Okugawa, Katsuji Oogane, Yoshikazu Ohtsubo, Tetsuya Kimura, Tomoichi Takahashi and Satoshi Tadokoro:
Standard Rescue Tasks Based on the Japan Virtual Robotics Challenge
Danny Zhu and Manuela Veloso:
Virtually Adapted Reality and Algorithm Visualization for Autonomous Robots
15:50 Poster Session 3 with Coffee Break
