20th RoboCup International Symposium 2016: Schedule

Symposium Schedule

The 20th RoboCup International Symposium takes place on July 4th, 2016.


08:30 Registration
08:50 Welcome and Greetings
09:00 Keynote Martin Riedmiller, Google DeepMind, UK:
Intelligence Scores Goals - Machine Learning for Autonomous Robots
09:50 Oral Session 1
Arne Böckmann and Tim Laue:
Kick Motions for the NAO Robot using Dynamic Movement Primitives
Abbas Abdolmaleki, David Simoes, Nuno Lau and Luis Paulo Reis:
Learning a Humanoid Kick With Controlled Distance
Poster Teasers 1
10:25 Poster Session 1 with Coffee Break
11:15 Keynote Davide Scaramuzza, University of Zürich, Switzerland:
Towards Agile Flight of Vision-controlled Micro Flying Robots: From Active Perception to Event-based Vision
12:05 Oral Session 2
Leonardo Lanari, Oliver Urbann, Seth Hutchinson and Ingmar Schwarz:
Boundedness Approach to Gait Planning for the Flexible Linear Inverted Pendulum Model
Andreas Seekircher and Ubbo Visser:
A Closed-Loop Gait for Humanoid Robots Combining LIPM with Parameter Optimization

Poster Teasers 2
12:40 Lunch and Poster Session 2
14:00 Keynote Ruzena Bajcsy, University of California, Berkeley, USA:
Framework for Individualized Dynamical Modeling of Human Motion
14:50 Oral Session 3
Philip Cooksey, Juan Pablo Mendoza and Manuela Veloso:
Opponent-aware Ball-manipulation Skills for an Autonomous Soccer Robot
Daniel Speck, Pablo Barros, Cornelius Weber and Stefan Wermter:
Ball Localization for RoboCup Soccer using Convolutional Neural Networks
Alexander Hagg, Frederik Hegger and Paul Gerhard Plöger:
On Recognizing Transparent Objects in Domestic Environments Using Fusion of Multiple Sensor Modalities
M. Hossein Mirabdollah, Mahmoud Mohamed and Bärbel Mertsching:
Distributed Averages of Gradients (DAG): A Fast Alternative for Histogram of Oriented Gradients
Poster Teasers 3
15:50 Poster Session 3 with Coffee Break
16:40 Oral Session 4
Yusuke Adachi, Masahide Ito and Tadashi Naruse:
Classifying Strategies of an Opponent Team based on a Sequence of Actions in RoboCup SSL
Michael Grupp, Philipp Kopp, Patrik Huber and Matthias Rätsch:
A 3D Face Modelling Approach for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition in a Human-Robot Environment
Patrick MacAlpine and Peter Stone:
UT Austin Villa RoboCup 3D Simulation Base Code Release
Thomas Gabel, Egbert Falkenberg and Eicke Godehardt:
Progress in RoboCup Revisited: The State of Soccer Simulation 2D
Sebastian Zug, Tim Niemueller, Nico Hochgeschwender, Kai Seidensticker, Martin Seidel, Tim Friedrich, Tobias Neumann, Ulrich Karras, Gerhard Kraetzschmar and Alexander Ferrein:
An Integration Challenge to Bridge the Gap among Industry-inspired RoboCup Leagues
Remi Fabre, Quentin Rouxel, Passault Gregoire, Steve N'Guyen and Olivier Ly:
Dynaban, an Open-Source Alternative Firmware for Dynamixel Servo-Motors
17:52 Award Ceremony
18:00 Farewell Party
