Universität Bonn: Autonomous Intelligent SystemsInstitute for Computer Science VI: Autonomous Intelligent Systems

Teaching by Nils Goerke

The following modules have been established as a permanent teaching topic by Nils Goerke.

Die folgenden Module haben sich als dauerhaftes Lehrangebot durch Nils Goerke etabliert.
Nils Goerke participates in the Intelligent Systems track of the Computer Science master program.

Wintersemester 2013/2014

Lecture: Technical_Neural_Networks (4V+2Ü) (MA-INF 4204)
Dr. Nils Goerke
Tue, 8-10, Lecture Hall: LBH, III.03a
Exercises: 2 hours per week

Lab Mobile Robots (MA-INF 4310) 
Dr. Nils Goerke
Wed ,13-17, Room: LBH, I.42a

Vorlesung: Techniken des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens (2V+2Ü)(BA-INF 015)
Dr. Nils Goerke, PD Dr. Volker Steinhage Mi, 12:30-14:00, AVZ-III, HS 2

Projektgruppe Mobile Robotik (BA-INF 051) 
Dr. Nils Goerke
Di, 13-17, Raum: LBH, I.42a

Sommersemester 2013

Lecture: Artificial Life (4V+2Ü) (MA-INF 4201)
Dr. Nils Goerke
Tue, 8-10, Lecture Hall: LBH, III.03a
Exercises: 2 hours per week

Lab Mobile Robots (MA-INF 4310) 
Dr. Nils Goerke
Wed ,13-17, Room: LBH, I.42a

Projektgruppe Mobile Robotik (BA-INF 051) 
Dr. Nils Goerke
Di, 13-17, Raum: LBH, I.42a

Wintersemester 2012/2013

Lecture: Technical Neural Networks (L4E2) (MA-INF 4204)
Dr. Nils Goerke
Tue 8:15-9:45, LBH, Room III.03a
Exercises: 2hrs

Lab Mobile Robots (MA-INF 4310) 
Dr. Nils Goerke
Wed ,13-17, Room: LBH, I.42a

Vorlesung: Techniken des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens (2V+2Ü)(BA-INF 015)
Dr. Nils Goerke, PD Dr. Volker Steinhage Mi, 12:30-14:00, AVZ-III, HS 2

Projektgruppe Mobile Robotik (BA-INF 051) 
Dr. Nils Goerke
Di, 13-17, Raum: LBH, I.42a

Sommersemester 2012

Lecture: Artificial Life (MA-INF 4201)
Dr. Nils Goerke

Lab Mobile Robots (MA-INF 4310)
Dr. Nils Goerke
Block-course at end of teaching period.

Vorlesung: Computional Intelligence (BA-INF 123)">
Dr. Nils Goerke

Lecture: Robot Learning (MA-INF 4114)
Dr. Nils Goerke

Projektgruppe: Cuda Vision (BA-INF 051)
Hannes Schulz, Dr. Nils Goerke

Lab Vision Systsms, Learning Computer Vision on GPUs (MA-INF 4308)
Hannes Schulz, Dr. Nils Goerke

Seminar Vision Systsms, Learning Computer Vision on GPUs (MA-INF 4208)
Hannes Schulz, Dr. Nils Goerke
Block-seminar at end of teaching period.

Projektgruppe: Kognitive Robotik (BA-INF 051)
Jörg Stückler, Dr. Nils Goerke

Lab: Cognitive Robotics (MA-INF 4304)
Jörg Stückler, Dr. Nils Goerke

Seminar: Cognitive Robotics(MA-INF 4211)
Jörg Stückler, Dr. Nils Goerke

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