German Regional Committee RoboCup
The German Regional Committee RoboCup has the aim to promote
the RoboCup initiative in Germany by organizing regional competitons
(RoboCup German Open) and by networking the German research groups.
The RoboCup Federation has provided a list of all regional committees.
Further you may find general information about the concept of regional committees here .
- Dr. Ansgar Bredenfeld, Dr. Bredenfeld UG, Magdeburg (German Open)
- Alexander Danzer, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Small-Size)
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Dorer, Hochschule Offenburg (Simulation League)
- Pattrick Göttsch, TU Hamburg (Standard Platform)
- PD Dr. Ulrich Karras (Festo Logistics League)
- Dr. Johannes Georg Klotz (Junior)
- Dipl.-Inform. Walter Nowak, Locomotec GmbH (@Work)
- Dr. Jonannes Pellenz, Universität Koblenz-Landau (Rescue)
- Prof. Dr. Paul Plöger, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (@Home)
- Dr.-Ing. Thomas Röfer, DFKI Bremen (Standard Platform)
- Dr. Winfried Schmitz, CJD Königswinter (Junior)
- Joachim Selke, Goetheschule Hannover (Junior)
- Prof. Dr. Oskar von Stryk, TU Darmstadt (Humanoid, Rescue, Trustee of the
RoboCup Federation)
- PD Dr.-Ing. Sven Wachsmuth, Universität Bielefeld (@Home)
- Dr. Andreas Witsch, Universität Kassel (Middle-Size)
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Zug, Universität Magdeburg (@Work)
The German regional Committee RoboCup can be contacted through
nk-robocup at