Universität Bonn: Autonomous Intelligent Systems Institute for Computer Science VI: Autonomous Intelligent Systems
Grzegorz Ficht

Grzegorz Ficht

BSc and MSc in Robotics and Control Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Member of research staff in the Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group
Member of Robotics Institute Germany, Lamarr Institute


  Grzegorz Ficht
  Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
  Institut für Informatik VI
  Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8
  53115 Bonn

Tel:  +49 (0) 228 73-54158
Fax: +49 (0) 228 73-4425

Email: ficht _at_ ais.uni-bonn.de

Office: 0.058

Media Appearances & Press

Die Sportmacher

RoboCup Competition

RoboCup 2024 in Eindhoven (Netherlands)

2nd AdultSize Main competition (1:6 Final)
Best Humanoid Award 2024
AdultSize Semi-Finals Video 2024

RoboCup 2023 in Bordeaux (France)

1st AdultSize Main competition (8:0 Final, 66:0 total)
1st AdultSize Drop-in challenge
AdultSize Winners Video 2023
AdultSize Finals Video 2023
AdultSize Semi-Finals Video 2023

RoboCup 2022 in Bangkok (Thailand)

1st AdultSize Main competition (7:1 Final)
1st AdultSize Technical challenge
1st AdultSize Drop-in challenge
Best Humanoid Award 2022
AdultSize Winners Video 2022
AdultSize Finals Video 2022

RoboCup 2019 in Sydney (Australia)

1st AdultSize Main competition (8:0 Final)
1st AdultSize Technical challenge
1st AdultSize Drop-in challenge
Best Humanoid Award 2019
AdultSize Winners Video 2019
AdultSize Finals Video 2019

RoboCup 2018 in Montreal (Canada)

1st AdultSize Main competition (2:0 Final)
1st AdultSize Technical challenge
1st AdultSize Drop-in challenge
Best Humanoid Award 2018
AdultSize Winners Video 2018
AdultSize Finals Video 2018
AdultSize Semi-finals Video 2018

RoboCup 2017 in Nagoya (Japan)

1st AdultSize Main competition (11:1 Final)
1st AdultSize Technical challenge
1st TeenSize Main competition (2:0 Final)
1st TeenSize Technical challenge
1st TeenSize Drop-in challenge
RoboCup Design Award 2017
AdultSize Winners Video 2017
AdultSize Finals Video 2017
TeenSize Winners Video 2017

RoboCup 2016 in Leipzig (Germany)

1st TeenSize Main competition (9:0 Final)
RoboCup HARTING Open Source Award 2016
TeenSize Winners Video 2016
TeenSize Finals Video 2016

Prototype experiments

Hardware and Software Releases

IMU_rosserial: Plug-and-play USB ROS-enabled micro AHRS and IMU

NimbRo-OP2(X) Humanoid Open Platform ROS Software: A ROS-based software framework for humanoid robots of team NimbRo.

NimbRo-OP2(X) Hardware: CAD files for the NimbRo-OP2 and NimbRo-OP2X robots.

Presentations & Invited talks



Grzegorz Ficht and Sven Behnke:
Maximum Impulse Approach to Soccer Kicking for Humanoid Robots
In: Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots, IEEE-RAS 23rd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Nancy, France, November 2024.

Dmytro Pavlichenko, Grzegorz Ficht, Angel Villar-Corrales, Luis Denninger, Julia Brocker, Tim Sinen, Michael Schreiber and Sven Behnke:
RoboCup 2023 Humanoid AdultSize Winner NimbRo: NimbRoNet3 Visual Perception and Responsive Gait with Waveform In-walk Kicks
In: RoboCup 2023: Robot World Cup XXVI, LNCS 14140, pp. 337-349, Springer, March 2024.


Grzegorz Ficht and Sven Behnke:
Centroidal State Estimation and Control for Hardware Constrained Humanoid Robots
In Proceedings of IEEE-RAS 22nd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Austin, USA, December 2023.
[Video] [Project Page]

Dmytro Pavlichenko, Grzegorz Ficht, Arash Amini, Mojtaba Hosseini, Raphael Memmesheimer, Angel Villar-Corrales, Stefan M. Schulz, Marcell Missura, Maren Bennewitz, and Sven Behnke:
RoboCup 2022 AdultSize Winner NimbRo: Upgraded Perception, Capture Steps Gait and Phase-based In-walk Kicks
In: RoboCup 2022: Robot World Cup XXV, LNCS 13561, pp. 240-252, Springer, May 2023.


Grzegorz Ficht and Sven Behnke:
Direct Centroidal Control for Balanced Humanoid Locomotion
In Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR), Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, September 2022.
Runner-up Best Technical Paper Award.


Grzegorz Ficht and Sven Behnke:
Bipedal Humanoid Hardware Design: A Technology Review
Current Robotics Reports, vol. 2, pp. 201-210, Springer, 2021.


Grzegorz Ficht, Hafez Farazi, Diego Rodriguez, Dmytro Pavlichenko, Philipp Allgeuer, André Brandenburger, and Sven Behnke
NimbRo-OP2X: Affordable Adult-sized 3D-printed Open-Source Humanoid Robot for Research
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (IJHR), 17(05):2050021, World Scientific, 2020.

Grzegorz Ficht and Sven Behnke:
Fast Whole-Body Motion Control of Humanoid Robots with Inertia Constraints
In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Paris, France, May 2020.


Diego Rodriguez, Hafez Farazi, Grzegorz Ficht, Dmytro Pavlichenko, André Brandenburger, Mojtaba Hosseini, Oleg Kosenko, Michael Schreiber, Marcel Missura, and Sven Behnke:
RoboCup 2019 AdultSize Winner NimbRo: Deep Learning Perception, In-Walk Kick, Push Recovery, and Team Play Capabilities
In: RoboCup 2019, Robot World Cup XXIII. LNCS 11531, pp. 631-645, Springer, 2019.


Hafez Farazi, Grzegorz Ficht, Philipp Allgeuer, Dmytro Pavlichenko, Diego Rodriguez, André Brandenburger, Mojtaba Hosseini, and Sven Behnke:
NimbRo Robots Winning RoboCup 2018 Humanoid AdultSize Soccer Competitions
In: RoboCup 2018: Robot World Cup XXII. LNCS 11374, pp 436-449. Springer, 2019.

Grzegorz Ficht, Hafez Farazi, Andre Brandenburger, Diego Rodriguez, Dmytro Pavlichenko, Philipp Allgeuer, Mojtaba Hosseini, and Sven Behnke:
NimbRo-OP2X: Adult-sized Open-source 3D Printed Humanoid Robot
In Proceedings of IEEE-RAS 18th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Beijing, China, November 2018.
[Hardware] [Software]

Grzegorz Ficht and Sven Behnke:
Online Balanced Motion Generation for Humanoid Robots
In Proceedings of IEEE-RAS 18th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Beijing, China, November 2018.

Grzegorz Ficht, Dmytro Pavlichenko, Philipp Allgeuer, Hafez Farazi, Diego Rodriguez, André Brandenburger, Johannes Kürsch, Michael Schreiber, and Sven Behnke:
Grown-up NimbRo Robots Winning RoboCup 2017 Humanoid AdultSize Soccer Competitions
In RoboCup 2017: Robot World Cup XXI, LNCS 11175, pp. 448-460, Springer, 2018.

Diego Rodriguez, Hafez Farazi, Philipp Allgeuer, Grzegorz Ficht, Dmytro Pavlichenko, André Brandenburger, Johannes Kürsch, and Sven Behnke:
Advanced Soccer Skills and Team Play of RoboCup 2017 TeenSize Winner NimbRo
In RoboCup 2017: Robot World Cup XXI, LNCS 11175, pp. 435-447, Springer, 2018.


Grzegorz Ficht, Philipp Allgeuer, Hafez Farazi, and Sven Behnke:
NimbRo-OP2: Grown-up 3D Printed Open Humanoid Platform for Research
In Proceedings of IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Birmingham, UK, November 2017.
[Video] [CAD Release] [Software]

Seongyong Koo, Grzegorz Ficht, Germán Martin Garcia, Dmytro Pavlichenko, Martin Raak, and Sven Behnke:
Robolink Feeder: Reconfigurable Bin-Picking and Feeding with a Lightweight Cable-Driven Manipulator
In Proceedings of 13th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Xi'an, China, August 2017.

Hafez Farazi, Philipp Allgeuer, Grzegorz Ficht, André Brandenburger, Dmytro Pavlichenko, Michael Schreiber, and Sven Behnke:
RoboCup 2016 Humanoid TeenSize Winner NimbRo: Robust Visual Perception and Soccer Behaviors
In: RoboCup 2016: Robot World Cup XX, LNCS 9776, pp. 478-490, Springer, 2017.

Philipp Allgeuer, Grzegorz Ficht, Hafez Farazi, Michael Schreiber, and Sven Behnke:
First International HARTING Open Source Prize Winner: The igus Humanoid Open Platform
In: RoboCup 2016: Robot World Cup XX, LNCS 9776, pp. 625-633, Springer, 2017.


Philipp Allgeuer, Hafez Farazi, Grzegorz Ficht, Michael Schreiber, and Sven Behnke:
The igus Humanoid Open Platform: A Child-sized 3D Printed Open-Source Robot for Research
German Journal on Artificial Intelligence (KI), volume 30, issue 3-4, pp. 315-319, 2016.

Universität Bonn, Institute for Computer Science, Departments: I, II, III, IV, V, VI