Universität Bonn: Autonomous Intelligent SystemsInstitute for Computer Science VI: Autonomous Intelligent Systems

Lab Project Humanoid Robots (Freiburg, Winter 2007/2008)

Humanoid robots enjoy increasing popularity as a research tool. One of the benchmark applications for humanoid robots is soccer.
The aim of this lab project is to develop new control software for the NimbRo KidSize 2007 robots, which won the RoboCup 2007 Humanoid soccer competitions. This includes components for infrastructure, for perception, and for behavior control.
Software development will be organized in a team and MS Robotics Studio will be used as development environment.

Requirements and Information


NimbRo KidSize 2007 robots: Rudi, Lothar, and Jürgen

NimbRo KidSize 2007 robot Rudi   NimbRo KidSize 2007 robots in RoboCup 2007 final

The NimbRo KidSize 2007 robots have 20 joints. They are 60cm tall and have a total weight of 4kg. The robots are equipped with three wide-angle cameras and an attitude sensor. The fully autonomous robots are controlled by a tiny PC and communicate via WLAN.

Universität Bonn, Institute for Computer Science, Departments: I, II, III, IV, V, VI