Universität Bonn: Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group  Comouter Science Institute VI: Autonomous Intelligent Systems

Seminar: Vision Systems MA-INF 4208

Prof. Dr. Sven Behnke, Angel Villar-Corrales

If you plan to participate, please send an email to villar@ais.uni-bonn.de

First Meeting: 08.07.2022 at 13:00 via Zoom. Link

Seminar Presentations: 28.09.2022

Report Submission: 05.10.2022


We will discuss topics ranging from biologically inspired to modern technical vision systems.

The seminar takes place as a block seminar at the end of the semester break. You will receive a paper discussing current approaches in the field of object recognition and segmentation and prepare a 30 minute talk using presentation tools of your choice. After the talk we discuss the paper for 15 minutes. Each talk is accompanied by a written report of 8-12 pages.

Paper list

Slides Introductory Meeting

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