Universit�t Bonn: Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group   Computer Science Institute VI: Autonomous Intelligent Systems


   Prof. Dr. Sven Behnke
   University of Bonn
   Computer Science Institute VI
   Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8 (visitor address)
   Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5 (post address)
   53115 Bonn 

Tel:  +49 (0) 228 73-4422
Fax: +49 (0) 228 73-4425

Email: sekretariat _at_ ais.uni-bonn.de

Office: 0.045

Travel directions

Team NimbRo bei der 2020 Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge in Abu Dhabi


July 2023: The soccer robots of our team NimbRo won the  2 vs. 2 soccer tournament and 3 vs. 3 drop-in games of Humanoid League AdultSize class at RoboCup 2023 in Bordeaux, France. [Press release]

November 2022: Our team NimbRo Avatar wins the grand prize of 5 Million US$ at the ANA Avatar XPRIZE Competition. [Press release]

November 2022: The project "WestAI - AI Service Center West" is funded by BMBF.

October 2022: The project "Autonomous flying robot swarms for real-time situational awareness" is funded by BMBF as part of the German Rescue Robotics Center (DRZ). [Press release]

July 2022: The soccer robots of our team NimbRo won all competitions of Humanoid League AdultSize class at RoboCup 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand: 2 vs. 2 soccer tournament, 2 vs. 2 drop-in games, technical challenges, and Best-humanoid Award.

June 2022: The Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence receives institutional fundign from BMBF and the federal state of NRW. [Press release]

December 2021: The new project "BNTrAinee: Bonn Transdisciplinary Education in Artificial Intelligence" is funded by BMBF. [Press release]

September 2021: The new German-French Project "Learn2Grasp: Learning Human-like Interactive Grasping based on Visual and Haptic Feedback" is funded by BMBF and ANR. [Press relase]

August 2021: The new project "Transferzentrum RimA – Roboter im Alltag (Robots in Everyday Life)" is funded by BMBF. Our subproject focusses on benchmarking of assistance robots in everydeay environments. [Press release]

December 2020: Two new projects "Semantic Video Prediction (P6)" and "Anticipative Human-Robot Collaboration (P8)" are funded as part of the second phase of the DFG research unit FOR 2535 Anticipating Human Behavior. [Press release]

June 2020: Our proposal for the Amazon Research Award projekt "Learning Structured Scene Modeling and Physics-Based Prediction for Manipulation" was funded. [Press release]

February  2020: Our team NimbRo came in second in the Grand Challenge in Challenge 2 of the Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge (MBZIRC), which was organized by Khalifa University and took place in Abu Dhabi.

July 2019: The soccer robots of our team NimbRo won all competitions of Humanoid League AdultSize class at RoboCup 2019 in Sydney, Australia: 2 vs. 2 soccer tournament, 2 vs. 2 drop-in games, technical challenges, Best-humanoid Award.

May 2019: The CENTAURO project was awarded the Ralf-Dahrendorf-Preis by the German Minister of Education and Research (BMBF). BMBF will fund a project to communicate the CENTAURO results to high-school students. [Press release]

March 2019: The Google Faculty Research Award project "Collaborative Perception using Smart Edge Sensors and Cloud-based 4D SLAM" was funded.

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