University of Freiburg / Faculty of Applied Sciences /
Institute for Computer Science / Humanoid Robots / NimbRo / Project

Latest news from RoboCup 2005 in Osaka

In the technical challenge, Team NimbRo achieved the second and third place! Robot Max was able to walk around poles and Jupp was even able to kick a ball against a pole in the end. The best robot was a member of Team Osaka and it managed even an ambitious walk over rough terrain.
[See the results on the official pages of RoboCup 2005.]

During the first round of the penalty kick competition, Team NimbRo achieved in the humanoid Kid Size League an excellent result with 12 : 0 goals! We are now the leading team of our group.
[See the results on the official pages of RoboCup 2005.]

The picture on the right shows our robot Jupp striking a goal against Team ToinPhoenix during the competition.

DFG-project: "NimbRo - Learning humanoid robots"

The project is funded by the "Aktionsplan Informatik" of German Research Foundation. It aims at developing learning humanoid robots, which have an anthropomorphic body and anthropomorphic senses. For this purpose we are developing mechanical and electronic components as well as algorithms for perception and behavior control.

Our research objectives include achieving energy-efficient bipedal locomotion by supporting the system dynamics and intuitive multimodal communication with humans through analysis and synthesis of body language, gestures, facial expressions, and language. We are going to use different learning techniques, such as learning by imitation, to optimize the robots' behavior.

We are going to use two test beds to investigate different aspects of the problem: the robots should take part in the RoboCup soccer competitions and also shall be deployed as museum guides. It is planned to improve the robot on a yearly schedule.