Local Multiresolution Path Planning
Author: Sven Behnke
In Proceedings of 7th RoboCup International Symposium, Padua, Italy, 2003.
To appear in Brett Browning, Daniel Polani, Andrei Bonarini, and Kazuo
Yoshida (editors):
RoboCup-2003: Robot Soccer World Cup VII, LNCS 3020, pp. 332-343, Springer, 2004
Grid-based methods for finding cost optimal robot paths around obstacles
are popular because of their flexibility and simple implementation. However,
their computational complexity becomes unfeasible for real-time path planning
if the resolution of the grid is high.
These methods assume complete knowledge about the world, but in dynamic
environments where sensing is done on board the robot, less is known about
far-away obstacles than about the ones in close proximity. The paper proposes
to utilize this observation by employing a grid of variable resolution.
The resolution is high next to the robot and becomes lower with increasing
distance. This results in huge savings in computational costs while the
initial parts of the paths are still planned with high accuracy. The same
principle is applied to the time-axis, allowing for planning paths around
moving obstacles with only a moderate increase in computational costs.
Full paper: RoboCup03.pdf
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