Executive Officer and CTO of avatarin, a robotics expert with a strong background in virtual reality and humanoids. In 2013, he received PhD in Media Design at Keio University and as a part of Ph.D research, he design and develop "TELESAR V", a robot system that allows you to feel a robot as an extension of your own body through sight, hearing, and touch. Currently, avatarin is challenging new businesses with low-cost mass production design, secure real-time streaming dedicated to remote control and robot management core framework. |
Telepresence applications has been widely used on many business use
cases since the pandemic. Visiting remote cities and countries for
vacation, relaxation and exploration still have a very high demand.
However, there are still many applications where the physical presence
was replaced with telepresence robots and reduced the unnecessary
business travel.
Our main business use case is telepresence customer support at
airports, hotels, showrooms etc.. The telepresence robot newme utilizes
computer vision, deep learning, and operator-in-the-loop learning to
create awareness based on what it sees or hears. We utilize the
operator-in-the-loop for telepresence support, model validation, data
labelling and retraining and then learn the human skills by
demonstration. Understanding and categorizing the keywords in a
specific background conversation, automated speech recognition,
translation & synthesize different languages are a few use cases.